IAC Works To Help Your Business Succeed.

We accelerate sales for our clients (some of the most recognized brands in the world).

Our Approach is Unique

At Integrated Access, we believe that nothing happens until your product is sold to a customer. Because of this philosophy, we’re an organization focused on selling to customers (i.e. colleges, restaurants, hospitals, etc.) and driving velocity through distributors. Many would call it a “pull” strategy.

We begin by creating demand with customers, and then work back through the channel to leverage or develop a route to market (i.e. distributor item setup and stocking) for your product. This includes working with distributors, their sales representatives, redistributors; contract companies – whatever it takes to complete the sale.

What Makes Integrated Access Different

We work & manage the entire supply chain to ensure the sale happens. Our work includes:

  • Developing a route to market for your product
  • New placements to existing and new consuming customers (i.e., colleges, hospitals, restaurants)
  • Detailed reporting on activity, validated sales, and the opportunity pipeline going forward

Our sales team organizing models promote strong relationships with consuming customers, distributors, DSR’s, and client field sales teams.

  • Our relationships span multiple decision makers in each account
  • Our team members understand the needs of their accounts which shortens the sales cycle.
  • We make thousands of calls every month to keep our data fresh and relationships strong

It’s important that our clients understand that a sale really occurred, and because of this, Integrated Access leverages all available data sources to validate sales. We work closely with our clients to secure distributor shipments to customers and match those records to our reported sales. In doing this, we can generally validate 80-90% of sales.

Over our 25 years of work helping our clients build their businesses, Integrated Access has developed a market leading database of customers (colleges, restaurants, hospitals, etc.) and decision makers across multiple market segments.  Armed with hundreds of thousands of account and contact records our sales teams are free to spend more time on selling tasks vs prospecting.

Integrated Access has experience and expertise in markets characterized as fragmented and difficult to reach. Our ability to manage brand owner, distributor, and customer interrelationships across various market segments has provided our clients with many new selling opportunities. Our sales teams contact the customer locations our clients are targeting and will present our client’s solutions precisely as specified.

What IAC is NOT...

Competitors To Internal Sales

We are not a threat to your existing salesforce - we work best as a complement to a strong field sales effort.

A Broker

Our primary mission is to convey your branded proposition to the end-user customers you want to target, letting others balance the requirements of a myriad of manufacturers and manage the demands of distribution.


We are not a telemarketing call center characterized by low-paid 'scrip-readers' working on 'one and done' campaigns.

New To The Scene

Our experienced professional salespeople are highly-trained and dedicated to a single client.


Our Team Is Available To Help

Accelerate Sales with Integrated Access

“Kitu Life Super Coffee Products has found our Program with Integrated Access Corporation to be a targeted and effective way to sell Foodservice Operators and Distributors. Their sales model has assisted us with rapid growth in Key Sales Channels, and they have good industry contacts that have proven beneficial.”

Jack Martin

Kitu Life Super Coffee Products

Let's Make Things Happen.

If you’re ready to accelerate sales, acquire new customers, and sell more to existing customers – we can help.

Learn More About Integrated Access

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